Waimea Country School appoints Laurel Matsuda as the Interim Head of School
Waimea Country School is pleased to announce the appointment of Laurel Matsuda as the Interim Head of School for the 2023-2024 school year following the departure of Head of School Amy Salling. Both educators were hired by Waimea Country School 17 years ago and have devotedly instituted, promoted, and solidified the school’s mission and teaching philosophy.
Matsuda who has been teaching the school’s 4th/5th grade multi age class obtained her master’s degree from the University of Phoenix in 2004 and was awarded a year-long fellowship with Teachers for Global Classrooms which included a three-week tour of educational facilities in India in 2016. She explains her deep commitment to the school, “I got my start in teaching at WCS the same year my now 22 year old son entered Kindergarten. My family grew up here, and I also grew into a passionate and dedicated educator. I adore WCS’s focus on ‘ohana and our commitment to child-centered learning; and I couldn’t be happier to lead this great small school into the future.”

Departing Head of School Amy Salling wholeheartedly supports the appointment of Matsuda as Interim Head of School. “Laurel brings a wealth of experience to the position, and we know that she will be guiding the school forward while effectively drawing on the individual talents and expertise of all of our wonderful faculty and staff.”
Board of Trustees President Andrew Odell says, “Laurel is an expert educator, who is respected by the entire WCS ‘ohana, and is deeply passionate about our wonderful school. The Board is excited about Laurel’s positive vision for building the future of WCS’ learning program on its already strong foundation.”
Randy Campbell, 25 year member of the WCS Board of Trustees states, “Laurel has the right combination of experience, expertise, enthusiasm, and drive to be the Head of School, but most importantly, she is committed to fulfilling the mission of WCS.”
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