Located on Hawaiʻi Island, the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce brings the business community together to address key issues in our community, on our island, and in our state. Established in 1968, our Chamber’s mission is to provide leadership and advocacy for a successful business environment in West Hawaiʻi.For 2025, we believe the following priorities will improve business opportunities, strengthen our local economy, and promote the well-being of our community:
The Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce supports housing projects at all inventory levels in West Hawaiʻi. This includes the development of infrastructure to support more housing, along with an emphasis on improvements and clarity in Hawai‘i County’s permitting processes.
The Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce strongly supports freshwater resource development, maintenance, and protection in West Hawaiʻi. We encourage streamlining government regulation to provide predictability for development. Additionally, we support wastewater development, reclamation, and recycling in West Hawaiʻi.
The Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce supports culture, science, education, and environmental stewardship on Maunakea. We strongly support the astronomy industry on Maunakea, noting significant scientific discovery, global leadership, educational outreach, workforce pipelines, jobs, and economic impact.
The Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce supports homelessness initiatives, including shelter and transitional housing, substance use disorder, and behavioral health support. Solicit federal, state, county, and community support to relieve homelessness.
West Hawai‘i Capital Improvement Projects
- Advocate for a new hospital in North Kona.
- Support improvements of Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keāhole.
- Support the Saddle Road Extension to Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway.
- Support the growth of the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawai‘i Authority facilities.
- Support the expansion of Hawai‘i Community College-Pālamanui facilities and campus.
- Finish the last section of the Ane Keohokālole Highway from Hina Lani to Kaiminani.
- Support new freshwater development in West Hawai‘i.
- Support improvements to the Kealakehe Waste Water Treatment Plant.
2025 Position Statements
In addition to our priorities, we draft a comprehensive list of position statements for the purpose of being prepared. This pre-approved list helps immensely in our advocacy efforts including delivering testimony, meeting with government officials and drafting letters of support or opposition.
Position Statements and our selection of Priorities are generated through a process that includes committee input and board approval.
Click here for more information about our BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
Click here for more information about COMMITTEES.
(Alphabetical order by category)
- Support initiatives that promote, protect, and provide for the local agriculture industry.
- Support West Hawaiʻi’s aquaculture industry including algae and fish production.
- Support financing opportunities for agriculture and aquaculture.
- Support federal designations to create more opportunities.
- Support ‘Buy Local’ and other initiatives that boost local agriculture businesses.
- Support Kona coffee, cattle, and other diversified agriculture in West Hawaiʻi.
- Support programs for disease and pest prevention for farmers.
- Support culture, science, education, and environmental stewardship on Maunakea.
- Support the astronomy industry on Maunakea noting significant scientific discovery, global leadership, educational outreach, workforce pipelines, jobs and economic impact.
- Advocate for successful management of Maunakea.
- Support the State of Hawaiʻi lease renewal and observatory lease renewals on Maunakea.
- Support the development and future operations of the Thirty Meter Telescope.
- Support the Rule of Law to keep Mauna Kea Access Road open and allow access.
- Support a concept of sharing Maunakea for all.
- Support the growth of Hawai‘i Community College-Pālamanui campus programs.
- Support the University Center, located at the Hawai‘i Community College-Pālamanui, in providing expanded access to four-year and graduate degree programs.
- Support and promote research and collaborative opportunities with the University of Hawai‘i Hilo in West Hawai‘i.
- Support the Department of Education (DOE) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) and their relationship to local businesses and workforce development.
- Support educational programs that feed directly into the region’s key industries.
- Support educational initiatives that promote workforce skills.
- Support workforce development, training, mentoring, and internship programs.
- Support increased and expanded childcare programs and services for West Hawai‘i.
- Support energy efficiency measures.
- Support renewable, reliable, and affordable energy solutions including geothermal.
- Support the State of Hawai‘i’s Clean Energy goals - 100% clean energy by 2045.
- Recognize climate change impacts and support measures addressing this issue.
- Support expansion of electric transportation - stations and vehicles.
- Support improvements and expansion for Hawai‘i County’s mass transit system.
- Support improvements to Hawai‘i Island’s waste management system.
- Support programs that reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Support initiatives that address and manage invasive species.
- Support initiatives that encourage indigenous re-forestation.
- Support initiatives that promote clean coastlines, coral reef health, and ocean conservation.
- Encourage streamlining government regulation to provide predictability for development.
- Support oversight of government processes including accountability, efficiency, transparency, and fund collection and disbursement.
- Challenge increased taxes on business.
- Examine minimum wage legislation in the State of Hawai‘i to determine the impact on businesses, especially the small business community.
- Monitor the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) regarding Honokōhau and Kawaihae Harbors and marine life site management in West Hawaiʻi.
- Support a state requirement for commercial marine tour guides to be trained as lifeguards or equivalent to increase passenger safety.
- Support improvements to State Parks and Trail Systems.
- Support the U.S. military’s training mission and land retention at Pōhakuloa Training Area.
- Support increased and expanded health care services for West Hawai‘i.
- Encourage programs and incentives to attract more providers and collaborate with community entities.
- Support fee schedules and reimbursement rates commensurate with the state's cost of living and healthcare needs.
- Support Kona Community Hospital improvements and initiatives.
- Advocate for a new hospital in North Kona.
- Support a consistent and effective approach to public health crises.
- Support increased prevention and stabilization services for substance use disorder, behavioral health, and recovery in West Hawaiʻi.
- Support improvements in long-term care services and facilities.
- Support healthcare industry workforce development initiatives.
- Support homelessness initiatives, including shelter and transitional housing with substance use disorder and behavior health support.
- Solicit federal, state, county, and community support that provides relief to homelessness.
- Support building all phases of Kukuiola Emergency Shelter in West Hawaiʻi, concentrating services in one place.
- Advocate for sunsetting The Friendly Place Resource Center, located on Pawai Place in Kailua Village, at the appropriate time.
- Support housing projects at all inventory levels and associated infrastructure.
- Support improvements and efficiency to Hawai‘i County’s permitting, planning, and regulatory processes.
- Advocate for administrative rules in county departments related to housing and permitting.
- Support improvements in permitting, regulation, and enforcement of Short-Term Vacation Rentals (STVR) on Hawai‘i Island.
- Support innovative housing methodologies.
- Support hardening infrastructure to prevent fires or other hazards.
- Support redesignation of agricultural land where applicable and appropriate.
- Support digital equity and increased broadband infrastructure development.
- Support improvements of Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keāhole.
- Support the Saddle Road Extension to Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway.
- Support funding and improvements for Honokōhau and Kawaihae Harbors.
- Finish the last section of the Ane Keohokālole Highway from Hina Lani to Kaiminani.
- Support walk and bicycle paths for all roads.
- Support the growth of Hawai‘i Community College-Pālamanui facilities and campus.
- Support the growth of the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawai‘i Authority facilities.
- Support the planning, design, and construction of a new State office building in West Hawai‘i to provide better government services, accessibility and jobs.
- Support initiatives and policies that promote business innovation and economic diversity.
- Encourage entrepreneurial endeavors and small business development.
- Support the growth of Hawai‘i’s technology industry to foster innovation, diversify the island’s economy, and provide quality, high-paying jobs.
- Support the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawai‘i Authority (NELHA) which promotes innovative business development and provides unique resources for existing businesses in its Hawai‘i Ocean Science and Technology Park.
- Support and recognize that the visitor industry was created to diversify the economy and currently fosters large and small businesses development along with local entrepreneurship in West Hawai‘i.
- Recognize and support innovation and economic impact of the arts and creative industries.
- Support the visitor industry.
- Recognize that West Hawai‘i’s visitor industry drives the local economy through large and small business opportunities, jobs, capital investment, and taxes.
- Evaluate proposed user fees for visitors.
- Support Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority (HTA) and the implementation and promotion of Hawai‘i Island’s Destination Management Action Plan.
- Promote Hawai‘i Island’s Pono Pledge.
- Support freshwater resource development, preservation, maintenance, and protection in West Hawaiʻi.
- Monitor the Commission on Water Resource Management regarding well development in West Hawai‘i.
- Support more access to water for irrigation and agriculture.
- Support wastewater development, reclamation, and recycling in West Hawaiʻi.