• Seahorse Hawaii Farm of Ocean Rider - New Chamber Member

    April 17, 2023
    Welcome to Seahorse Hawaii Farm of Ocean Rider, inc

    A family run business incorporated in 1998, Ocean Rider, Inc. is known as the “The Seahorse Farm in Kona”.  
    URL: https://seahorse.com/ | Farm Tours https://seahorse.com/ocean-rider-seahorse-farm-tours/

    We used our life savings to start and operate this one-of-a-kind aqua-farm. In July of 1999 our cutting edge technology and hard work paid off with the sales of our first farm raised Mustang seahorses. Ocean Rider has relied on the sales of farm-raised pet seahorses to operate the farm ever since. Ocean Rider has avoided venture capital style funding and now captivity breeds over 25 species of seahorses which you can see up close and personal on our seahorse tours. Our living gene bank is also on display on in our aquarium room!

    Research and development continues on new species every day. We hope to have all 34 species breeding on our farm soon! Not only are we helping to save the seahorse from extinction and the ocean they live in but we offer you the opportunity to help by choosing farm raised fish over wild caught fish whenever possible. Join us on our Kona Seahorse tours and find out how you can get more involved in protecting our ocean and waterways around the world.

     Ocean Rider’s Vision Statement
    To inspire ocean awareness by saving the endangered seahorses from extinction through education and propagation.

     Ocean Rider’s Mission Statement
    To eliminate the need to take wild seahorses off the reefs by providing home and public aquariums with healthy, eco-friendly, hand raised, domesticated seahorse pairs to be kept as pets for many years to come.

    Ocean Rider, Inc. is an organic Hawaiian-based aqua-farm that follows strict good farming practices in raising seahorses and other aquatic life.

    Ocean Rider does not discharge seawater into the ocean.

    The larval rearing, nursery, and grow-out systems are supplied with a high flow of pristine ocean water that is pumped into our closed facility. This pristine class AA Hawaii oceanic water is pumped into our facility by the Natural Energy Lab. This unlimited water supply water comes from one pipeline that is 125 feet deep and a second pipeline that is 2000 feet deep allowing us to dial in any water temperature we want. This water is considered to be the cleanest in the world as Hawaii is the most isolated island chain in the world. This water is then filtered through large industrial filters down to .1 microns and then passed through an ultraviolet light ensuring that our water remains pristine when it is flowed through our production facility.
    • Ocean Rider enforces a strict bio-security program to maintain a pathogen free farm since 1998.
    • Ocean Rider cultures our seahorses with top quality organic live and frozen feeds that are not fish meal based.
    • Ocean Rider maintains our seahorses in very low density to ensure optimum rearing conditions thus ensuring high health conditions.
    • Ocean Rider provides a certificate of Authenticity and High Health from the State of Hawaii for all our seahorses.
    • Ocean Rider does not sell seahorses within the State of Hawaii to ensure that there are no accidental releases into the local Hawaii waters by pet owners.
    • Ocean Rider does not use any chemotheraputics such as antibiotics at any stage during the culture of our seahorses and other marine livestock, nor do we endorse the use of any type of chemotheraputics.
    • Ocean Rider has been breeding seahorse since 1998 using selective breeding techniques to produce high quality seahorses with unique proprietary traits and colors. We do not genetically modify our livestock.
    • The Ocean Rider seahorse populations are raised from genetically diverse broodstock population raised entirely in a closed environment.
    • Ocean Rider follows American Zoological Standards set for breeding facilities.
    • Ocean Rider is a privately owned family company.
    • Ocean Rider is a member of the following organizations:
      • World Wildlife Fund
      • Nature Conservancy
      • National Geographic
      • Keaholoe Point Tenants Association
      • Hawaii Aquaculture Association
      • World Aquaculture Association
      • Specialty Coffee Association of America
      • Friends of Kona