• Foundational Technical Assistance program by the Hawaii Tourism Authority

    July 16, 2024
    Foundational Technical Assistance Program
    For generations, acres of loʻi kalo fed the people of Hawaiʻi. The regenerative water system created centuries of successful farming throughout the pae ʻāina. The loʻi kalo system borrowed water from streams, nourished kalo fields, and returned the water saturated with nutrients from the fertile ecosystem. The system returned the water in a better condition than it was received. Even if the system ended there, it would have been regenerative. However, the water system's regeneration continued downstream. The nutrient-rich water fed ʻoʻopu, iʻa, and limu in the streams. Not only were these gathered and eaten, but even further downstream these momona ʻoʻopu, iʻa, and limu fed schools of larger iʻa and other seafood in the loko iʻa system creating even more opportunities for sustenance and a food security system that fed thousands of families for hundreds of generations.

    When water leaves the main stream and enters the loʻi kalo system, it first passes through the poʻowai. The poʻowai, literally, the “head waters,” describes the water’s entrance to the loʻi kalo system. It is a foundational aspect of this regenerative system, providing an introduction to resources that feed and nourish the entire ecosystem. The Foundational Technical Assistance program similarly invites local businesses to engage with resources to support local products, the ecosystems they in turn feed, and operations that can be regenerative in how they operate - feeding Hawaiʻi’s people, communities, food systems, and more, so that the waiwai generated through this industry stays home.

    The FTA - Foundational Technical Assistance program will focus on providing access to resources that help local businesses and organizations working in the visitor industry. Informed by input provided by 921 organizations through a 2024 Needs Assessment, workshops, speaker series, and resource fairs will be held in mokupuni across Hawaiʻi, tailored to the unique needs on host islands. These events are free and open to all interested participants, centering examples from within the respective communities, and include topics such as market understanding, marketing and promotion resources, cultural program development and training, wholesale and retail markets, and employee opportunities. Strengthening connections within the industry will be a core thread throughout all events.

    ANY and ALL businesses, non-profit organizations, community organizations, etc. doing business in the visitor industry or wanting to do business in the visitor industry throughout Hawaiʻi pae ʻāina

    Particular focus on locally owned and operated businesses and organizations
    Each workshop will consist of topic driven panel discussions with industry stakeholders and success stories, highlighting those on island

    A resource fair will immediately follow each workshop that will bring partners, mentors, and helpful resources to you to encourage one-on-one discussions with stakeholders in the industry that can help your business or organization grow in the topic area

    Each of the following workshops are FREE and open to anyone in the community that might be interested with connecting to the visitor industry, connecting with other sectors/businesses/partners in the visitor industry, and who would like to learn more about how to grow their business or organization in the visitor industry throughout Hawaiʻi pae ʻāina.

    Learn more about this and our other programs - https://www.regenerativetourismhawaii.info/foundational