• Advanced Health Directive Workshops 2023

    June 07, 2023

    Talking about your end-of-life care now makes the transition smoother when the time comes.
    Letting your end-of-life wishes be known in an Advance Health Care Directive allows your family to focus on happy memories instead of stressful decisions.

    An Advance Health Care Directive is something that every adult, regardless of health status, should prepare and share with family members, loved ones and the doctor. It is a legal document that allows you to choose someone that your doctor will be able to consult regarding medical treatments that you would—or would not—want if you are unable to speak for yourself. If you do not have an Advance Health Care Directive, the hospital will call together all interested persons that they can locate, then the group will select one person, called a non-patient surrogate, to be the decision maker.

    Community First is working to educate every Hawaiʻi Island resident over the age of 18 on the importance of having these sensitive but important conversations with their loved ones, and the importance of having an Advance Health Care Directive.

    Community First sponsors workshops to help people complete their AHCD. The choices regarding end-of-life care are for each individual to decide. Our mission is to provide an understanding of the choices and to have individuals document those choices. We also stress the importance of having a conversation about your choices with your family. It’s an important gift to your loved ones so that they won’t have to guess what you want or do not want if you are no longer able to speak for yourself.

    Let us help you complete an Advance Health Care Directive that documents who you want to speak for you as well as your end-of-life wishes. It’s free and doesn’t require an attorney. We will provide a step by step explanation on how to complete your Advance Health Care Directive. If you already have a Living Will, a Health Care Power of Attorney, or an Advance Health Care Directive, you’ll learn how to review it to be sure it meets your needs today. READ MORE